
Monday, August 30, 2010

End of the Road...

This is the end of the road and I really mean it this time. I can't have all this stress in my life. I need to enjoy it. I will leave this blog open so people may continue to enjoy it. I hope you enjoy it. I will still be on Twitter and Club Penguin. It's just my blog I am quitting. Bye guys! I'm VERY sorry!

~Zoeyuluv :'(


  1. Check out this post you made: This has to stop NOW! (Click Here to view the post) Sound familiar? Your doing exactly what this post was against!

  2. Noo! Bye Zoeyuluv! I will miss your posts! I know i don't comment often though. Will you leave CP too?

  3. Alex that's different. I'm not quitting because other people are quitting and I'm not like oh your quitting well then I am too! I'm quitting because that's what's best for me.

  4. I cant believe you acually did it but i understand you have school(like me)and to keep up with a blog with 1828 hits and a lot of viewers that would be a lot of stress i mean i am about to quit for the same reason i cant keeep up with my blog and because of that i am not getting a lot of viewers



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Even though Legos13 isn't part the site anymore, I loved his commercial, so I'm keeping it up!