
Friday, July 9, 2010

Music Jam 2010 Cheats

Like I promised. Even though I'm more tired than I was yesterday, I'm doing this for you guys. First of all here is where you find the All Access Pass.

To get the All Access Pass you can either go to the "MERCH" stand at the Ski Village.

Or the "SHIRTS ROCK" stand in the Snow Forts. Only Members can get the pass and when you have the pass you can get into areas other penguins can't.

The pass only costs 50 Coins.

You can get into places like the Casa Fiesta. If you click on the door that says "Backstage" this is what it looks like.

To get free items click on the box with the red T-Shirts to get one.

Also if you click on the box of instruments you can buy some.

The only old instrument is the Tuba. The other ones are new. Come back July 15th for more instruments! 

There is also one more free item for Members.

Go into the Night Lounge and go into the door that says All Access Pass needed.

Click on the box of Boom boxes to get one. If you are only wearing the Boom box you can break dance. I was also confused. Everyone was telling me to get off the metal plate. This is because they think DJ Candace is under it. I'm not so sure about that. Also you can change the style of music in the room by clicking on the Music Player 3000.

Here is a free item available for everyone.

Go into the Cove and walk up to the Headphones.

Hmmm, it looks like Club Penguin made a mistake. You have found A Blue Headphones? Why is there an "A"?

Happy Calgary Stampede everyone! If you don't know what I'm talking about either ask your parents or look it up.

See even my penguin is dressed up for the Stampede!


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